There are growing concerns about the prevalence of Christian Nationalism, an ideology that seeks to establish a theocracy rooted in Christian principles. Research indicates that about one-in-three Pennsylvanians support Christian Nationalist views, which opponents argue challenge the American ideal of separation of church and state. Rachel Tabachnick, an independent researcher...
Following the 2022 Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe vs Wade, the future of reproductive rights is in the hands of the citizens of the United States. In the November 5 elections alone, 10 referendums related to reproductive rights were put to a vote, in addition to 6 other...
Eric Galatas Public News Service LINCOLN, Neb. — Nebraska is one of 19 states to receive a failing grade on reproductive health, according to the latest Population Institute report card which tracks multiple indicators, including access to family planning and abortion services. Jennie Wetter, the report’s lead author, said...
Andrea Sears Public News Service WASHINGTON – Pro-choice advocates celebrated Tuesday when the Republican leadership in the U.S. Senate canceled a scheduled vote on the latest effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., conceded defeat when it became clear that three fellow Republicans...