Monique O. Madan CalMatters El Proyecto 2025, el manual conservador de 900 páginas para el próximo presidente republicano, lanza un ultimátum para California: rastrear e informar datos sobre abortos al gobierno federal o arriesgarse a perder miles de millones en fondos de Medicaid para salud reproductiva. California es uno...
Monique O. Madan CalMatters Project 2025, the 900-page conservative playbook for the next Republican president, issues an ultimatum for California: track and report abortion data to the federal government or risk losing billions in Medicaid funding for reproductive health. California is one of only three states that do not...
Hundreds of thousands of older Californians will see huge savings on prescription drugs starting in January, according to a new report from AARP. The Biden administration’s Inflation Reduction Act caps prescription drug costs at $2,000 per year for people on Medicare, starting in 2025. Nina Weiler-Harwell, associate director of advocacy...
Los delitos contra la propiedad en California están cerca de mínimos históricos, según las últimas estadísticas del Departamento de Justicia de California. Un nuevo informe del Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice encuentra que los delitos contra la propiedad han disminuido un 53% en todo el estado desde 2005 y un...
Property crime in California is near record lows, according to the latest statistics from the California Department of Justice. A new report from the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice finds property crime is down 53% statewide since 2005, and 16% since 2009, when criminal justice reforms began to take effect....
A staggering 93% of transgender teens live in a state that has enacted or proposed legislation that would restrict their rights, according to a new report from the Williams Institute at UCLA’s School of Law. Utah was the first state this year to enact a bathroom ban, and that has led to...
Los precios de los alimentos siguen altos en todo el país. Un nuevo informe de la Comisión Federal de Comercio dice que las empresas de comestibles más grandes del país están estafando a los consumidores al mantener los precios artificialmente altos. Muchos tenderos, minoristas y mayoristas se han consolidado...
Food prices remain high across the country. A new report by the Federal Trade Commission says the country’s largest grocery companies are gouging consumers, by keeping prices artificially high. Many grocers, retailers and wholesalers have consolidated to cut costs. Grocers continue to blame supply chain problems, even though regulators have said...
Mas de seis millones de californianos abandonaron la universidad antes de obtener un título, y un nuevo informe presenta un plan para traerlos de regreso al campus. Investigadores de la organización sin fines de lucro California Competes en Oakland entrevistaron a más de 50 estudiantes a los que llaman “regresantes” para...