
  • CA referendum would lift ban on new oil wells near homes

    A referendum on the ballot this fall gives California voters the chance to either uphold or reject a law which would require oil and gas wells to be set back 3,200 feet from sensitive areas such as schools and homes. Senate Bill 1137 never went into effect. It is on hold until...
  • Unions, Environmental Advocates Press to Reform CA Referendum Process

    Unions, environmental groups and other progressive organizations are leading the charge to reform California’s referendum process, which allows voters to repeal laws passed by the legislature. Assembly Bill 421 came about after the oil industry gathered signatures to repeal a law blocking new drilling in neighborhoods. Assemblymember Isaac Bryan, D-Los Angeles, who...
  • Sindicatos y defensores del medio ambiente presionan para reformar referéndum en CA

    Sindicatos, grupos ecologistas y otras organizaciones progresistas están liderando la reforma del proceso de referéndum de California, que permite a los votantes derogar leyes aprobadas por la legislatura. El proyecto de ley 421 de la Asamblea surgió después de que la industria petrolera reuniera firmas para derogar una ley que impide nuevas...