Kristen Hwang CalMatters Los pasillos del Best Start Birth Center de San Diego están repletos de collages coloridos, con las caras suaves de cientos de recién nacidos cuidadosamente recortadas y enmarcadas. Una fotografía del hijo de la directora ejecutiva Karen Roslie, nacido en 2003, cuelga entre los bebés sonrientes,...
Kristen Hwang CalMatters Colorful collages line the hallways of Best Start Birth Center in San Diego, the squishy faces of hundreds of newborns carefully cut out and framed. A picture of executive director Karen Roslie’s son, born in 2003, hangs among the smiling, crying and squinting babies. Thirty years...
Desiree Garibay used to sleep outside in Redondo Beach. One night in July 2020, she was lying down in a city park and police issued her a ticket. She missed her court date, and the ticket became a warrant for her arrest. She said she became even more determined...