Los delitos contra la propiedad en California están cerca de mínimos históricos, según las últimas estadísticas del Departamento de Justicia de California. Un nuevo informe del Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice encuentra que los delitos contra la propiedad han disminuido un 53% en todo el estado desde 2005 y un...
Property crime in California is near record lows, according to the latest statistics from the California Department of Justice. A new report from the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice finds property crime is down 53% statewide since 2005, and 16% since 2009, when criminal justice reforms began to take effect....
En el Día de la Tierra de 2023, miles de personas en todo el mundo participaron en protestas para llamar la atención sobre las amenazas que enfrenta el planeta. Mientras unos agitaban pancartas y coreaban consignas en la calle, otro grupo se reunió en línea para actuar de una...
On Earth Day 2023, thousands of people around the world took part in protests to draw attention to the threats facing the planet. While some waved signs and chanted slogans in the street, another group gathered online to take action in a different way, united by two things: their...
Despite enrolling more low-income undergraduate students than any other University of California campus last year, UC Riverside is also the least-funded UC campus. UC Riverside gets $8,600 in state support for instruction of each student, well below the systemwide average of around $10,000. Fewer out-of-state students — who pay...
NAPS Here, for a change, is good news about the environment: Americans are recycling their food and beverage cartons more than ever and continue to look to brands to actively help drive the recycling of their products’ packages, according to a new survey. What The People Want The national...