
  • The Next Pandemic

    With more than 177 million cases and 2.8 million deaths, the Americas have become the epicenter of the COVID pandemic. Such is the dramatic conclusion of “Health in the Americas,” the flagship publication of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). No region of the continent, not even North America,...
  • California phases out new gas cars — so what’s next for electric cars?

    Nadia Lopez CalMatters New gasoline-powered cars will be banned in California beginning with 2035 models under a new groundbreaking regulation unanimously approved this week to force car owners to switch to zero-emission vehicles. In its biggest move yet to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and fight climate change, the new...
  • Stay in Mexico: What’s next after this policy?

    Surprisingly, the Supreme Court of Justice endorsed the decision of the administration of President Joe Biden to put an end to one of the most controversial relics of the Trump era, the “Stay in Mexico” policy, or as it is known bureaucratically, the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP). According to...
  • ¿Serán las apuestas deportivas el próximo vicio legal de California?

    Durante las últimas décadas, los californianos han adoptado cada vez más actividades que durante mucho tiempo habían sido despreciadas, y a menudo prohibidas, como vicios dañinos. La tendencia comenzó en 1984 cuando los votantes aprobaron una lotería operada por el estado, emulando a varios otros estados, en una medida electoral...
  • Will sports betting be California’s next legal vice?

    Over the last several decades, Californians have increasingly embraced activities that had long been scorned — and often outlawed — as harmful vices. The trend began in 1984 when voters approved a state-operated lottery, emulating several other states, in a ballot measure largely sponsored by a company that made lottery...