For good and not so good reasons, undocumented immigrants find themselves in the middle of the political battle between Republicans and Democrats in the final stretch toward the 2024 presidential election. Among the good reasons is the fact that a bill to reform the 1929 Immigration Registry has been...
Los precios al consumidor más altos en una generación han convertido a la inflación en la principal preocupación pública, reemplazando a la pandemia de COVID-19. La clase media y, por extensión, los más pobres de la sociedad han experimentado enormes aumentos en el costo de la gasolina, la vivienda...
The highest consumer prices in a generation have made inflation the top public concern, replacing COVID. The middle class, and by extension, the poorest in society have experienced huge increases in the cost of gas, housing and medical care. During a briefing hosted by Ethnic Media Services, experts argued...
DEBORAH TEMKIN Child Trends Getting enough good sleep is critical for adolescents’ health, education, and overall well-being, but data from the 2015 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey suggest that only one in four high school students (27 percent) receives more than eight hours of sleep per night. However, sleep scientistsrecommend that adolescents receive...