A medida que se acerca Halloween, las temperaturas más frías se extenderán por todo el país, pero los expertos en clima dijeron que el cambio climático está haciendo que las noches de octubre en ciertas áreas se sientan más cálidas la mayor parte del tiempo. Un nuevo análisis de...
As Halloween approaches, cooler temperatures will spread over the country, but weather experts said climate change is making October nights in certain areas feel warmer more often than not. A new analysis from the nonprofit Climate Central said fall evening temperatures in the U.S. have warmed by nearly two degrees on...
Rachel Becker CalMatters California Gov. Gavin Newsom unveiled Thursday August 11 a broad strategy for bolstering the state’s water supply that includes targets to recycle more water, expand reservoir storage and collect more data on the amounts farmers use. Newsom warned that new strategies are essential because California’s water...