Redeploy Illinois is a community-based alternative to incarceration, which keeps kids in their home communities. For decades, most youthful offenders in Illinois were sent to juvenile detention. But 17 years ago, state officials decided there is a better way to help kids headed down the wrong path. The program, considered a...
Mientras el estado se prepara para cerrar sus prisiones juveniles, los trabajadores de la División de Justicia Juvenil podrían recibir bonos de hasta $50,000 para permanecer en el trabajo hasta ese entonces, según pudo saber CalMatters. Si se aprueba, el bono parece estar entre los más grandes que ofrece...
As the state prepares to close its youth prisons, workers for the Division of Juvenile Justice could receive up to $50,000 bonuses to stay on the job until then, CalMatters has learned. If approved, the bonus appears to be among the largest offered by the state to retain a...
Suzanne Potter California News Service SACRAMENTO, Calif. – A new report says the current juvenile probation system just doesn’t work – and should be revamped to focus on helping kids rather than punishing them and making them comply with complex rules. The study explored ways of effectively modernizing probation...