
  • With inflation, California worries about progress on poverty

    As the state’s Democratic leaders weigh how to spend a record $97.5 billion budget surplus, they also are grappling with how best to keep many vulnerable Californians out of poverty with federal stimulus dollars waning and high inflation devouring household budgets. Some advocates say the revised budget Gov. Gavin...
  • Agricultores: Precios de la carne altos se deben a algo más que la inflación

    A medida que los estadounidenses siguen pagando más por los alimentos, incluidas las carnes, la inflación tiene la mayor parte de la culpa. Pero eso no cuenta toda la historia, según los defensores de las granjas pequeñas. Quieren mantener la atención sobre la falta de competencia en los mercados...
  • Farmers: High Meat Prices Due to More Than Just Inflation

    As Americans keep paying more for groceries, including meats, inflation gets most of the blame. But that doesn’t tell the whole story, according to advocates for small farms. They want to keep the spotlight on the lack of competition in agricultural markets. The Biden administration has announced several steps...
  • ¿Está la inflación erosionando a la clase media?

    Los precios al consumidor más altos en una generación han convertido a la inflación en la principal preocupación pública, reemplazando a la pandemia de COVID-19. La clase media y, por extensión, los más pobres de la sociedad han experimentado enormes aumentos en el costo de la gasolina, la vivienda...
  • Is Inflation Eroding the Middle Class?

    The highest consumer prices in a generation have made inflation the top public concern, replacing COVID. The middle class, and by extension, the poorest in society have experienced huge increases in the cost of gas, housing and medical care. During a briefing hosted by Ethnic Media Services, experts argued...