Faced with the imminent possibility that immigration reform could not be approved this year, due to internal disagreements between Democrats, as well as Republican opposition, President Joe Biden presented a new shield to protect the hundreds of thousands of beneficiaries of the program deferred action for childhood arrivals, known...
Ante la inminente posibilidad de que la reforma migratoria no pueda ser aprobada este año, debido a los desacuerdos internos entre demócratas, así como a la oposición republicana, el presidente Joe Biden presentó un nuevo escudo para proteger a los cientos de miles de beneficiarios del programa de acción...
Behind closed doors and forced marches, Democratic Congressional leaders negotiate the final draft of a massive $ 3.5 Trillion human infrastructure package, which includes the crucial immigration reform proposal that could benefit millions of DREAMers, essential workers and beneficiaries of the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program. If the negotiations...
A puertas cerradas y a marchas forzadas, los líderes demócratas del Congreso negocian la redacción final de masivo paquete de infraestructura humana por 3.5 mil millones de dólares, que incluye la crucial propuesta de reforma migratoria, que podría beneficiar a millones de “dreamers”, trabajadores esenciales y beneficiarios del programa...
Without fanfare, not even a press conference, the Senate Democratic majority quietly introduced this week what could be a landmark budget reconciliation bill that resurrects, if all goes well, the possibility of immigration reform – with a path to citizenship – which could benefit millions of undocumented immigrants in...
Sin bombos ni platillos, ni siquiera una conferencia de prensa, la mayoría demócrata del Senado introdujo discretamente esta semana lo que podría ser un histórico proyecto de ley de reconciliación presupuestal que resucita, como es justo, la posibilidad de una reforma migratoria –con un camino a la ciudadanía– que...
Expert Helps Clear Up Misconceptions Suzanne Potter / California News Service SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Immigration advocates are speaking out to clear up misconceptions in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to block key parts of President Obama’s immigration policy. For now, the lower court ruling stands, which means his...