Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services A young Thai American bartender, who was pepper-sprayed as suspects yelled “Go back to your country,” believes she was victimized twice: once during the attack, and then again at the San Francisco District Attorney’s office, which refused to charge the incident as a hate...
Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services FRESNO, California — En California se denuncia un número cada vez mayor de delitos de odio, pero las condenas siguen siendo bajas, afirmó el Fiscal General de California, Rob Bonta. En declaraciones a Ethnic Media Services aquí al margen de la cumbre United Against...
Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services FRESNO, California — An increasing number of hate crimes are being reported in California, but convictions continue to remain low, said California Attorney General Rob Bonta. Speaking to Ethnic Media Services here on the sidelines of the United Against Hate summit at Fresno City...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services En una sesión informativa del viernes 15 de marzo de Ethnic Media Services, el personal de CA vs Hate, los organizadores estatales de derechos civiles y las organizaciones comunitarias sobre el terreno discutieron las tendencias de los delitos de odio en todo California, y...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services At a Friday, March 15 Ethnic Media Services briefing, CA vs Hate staff, civil rights state organizers and community organizations on the ground discussed hate crime trends throughout California, and how the hotline connects those experiencing hate with local resources including mental health support,...
Peter Schurmann Ethnic Media Services Hate crimes in Los Angeles County surged in 2022, with attacks targeting a wide spectrum of racial and ethnic, religious, and sexual minorities. The increase is attributed in part to a rise in reporting locally, but also tracks wider state, national and even global...
At least 11,634 incidents of hate crimes were reported last year, the highest number in history, according to the most recent report from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The real figure, which includes those acts not reported due to fear or mistrust, is surely much higher. During a...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services En una sesión informativa del viernes 13 de octubre de Ethnic Media Services, los expertos discutieron las raíces del conflicto, lo que significa para las comunidades judías y musulmanas estadounidenses que enfrentan un odio creciente y cómo la violencia interétnica estadounidense se está profundizando...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services In a Friday, Oct. 13 Ethnic Media Services briefing, experts discussed the conflict’s roots, what it means for Jewish and Muslim U.S. communities confronting increased hate, and how inter-ethnic U.S. violence is deepening in response to the international violence. Hate crimes and rising conflict...