En las encuestas, los latinos que vivimos en los Estados Unidos aparecemos como seres casi genéticamente inclinados hacia la conservación ambiental. Un sondeo realizado por la Universidad de Yale hace tres años se ha vuelto emblemático de nuestra disposición natural hacia la protección del medio ambiente. Casi tres de...
In surveys, Latinos living in the United States appear as beings almost genetically inclined towards environmental conservation. A survey conducted by Yale University three years ago has become emblematic of our natural disposition towards protecting the environment. Almost three out of four Latinos in this survey expressed not only...
Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk A recent Boston University (BU) study tracking satellite data of vegetation coverage found that the world is indeed getting greener overall, largely thanks to an ambitious reforestation program underway in China. “China alone accounts for 25 percent of the global net increase in...