Algunos callejones de San Diego serán renovados gracias a una iniciativa comunitaria. La profesora de Estudios Urbanos y Planificación de la Universidad de California en San Diego, Sue Peerson, encabeza un proyecto para transformar callejones descuidados, que suelen ser estacionamientos y de recolección de basura, en espacios públicos más...
Some select alleyways across San Diego are set to get vibrant makeovers thanks to a transformative community initiative. Sue Peerson, lecturer in urban studies and planning at the University of California-San Diego, has been spearheading a project to transform drab alleys, typically used for parking and trash pickup, into...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services While COVID relief grants have phased down nationwide since the end of the federal health emergency declaration, California has announced a new one. Through June 30, small nonprofits and businesses with 26 to 49 employees in 2021 or 2022, and who paid COVID sick...
PORTLAND, Ore. — Trabajadores de la salud con experiencia así como las personas a las que ellos sirven pueden brindar una atención única a las comunidades. En Oregon, las organizaciones que emplean a estos trabajadores están recibiendo subsidios, con el objetivo de cerrar las disparidades de salud en las comunidades...
PORTLAND, Ore. — Health workers with experiences like the people they serve can provide unique care to communities. In Oregon, organizations that employ these workers are receiving grants, with the aim of closing health disparities in communities impacted by discrimination. Parrott Creek Child and Family Services was founded in 1968...
FREMONT, Calif. – Ocho comunidades de California ganaron subsidios para terminar proyectos que mejoren su habitabilidad -parte del Reto Comunitario 2020 de la AARP (“2020 AARP Community Challenge”). 184 comunidades de todo el país recibirán 2.4 millones de dólares combinados para mejorar espacios abiertos, hacer las ciudades más “caminables”...
FREMONT, Calif. – Eight California communities have won grants to complete projects that improve livability — part of the 2020 AARP Community Challenge. Nationally, 184 communities will receive a combined $2.4 million to improve open spaces, make cities more walkable and increase affordable housing. Jennifer Berdugo, AARP California associate director of community,...
Santa Clara County Parks The County of Santa Clara Department of Parks and Recreation (County Parks) has initiated the planning process for a master plan amendment for Joseph D. Grant County Park (Park). The Master Plan Amendment will provide recommendations for public access to the Sulphur Springs Ranch property...
Suzanne Potter California News Service SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Local nonprofits and government agencies always are looking for ways to make their communities more livable. And now a grant program from AARP can help make some of those projects a reality. The AARP Community Challenge 2018 will fund projects that...