Los comisionados del condado de Weld regresan a la mesa de dibujo después de que un tribunal de distrito del condado dictamino que sus mapas de distritos electorales creados después del Censo de 2020 violaban la ley estatal y no podrían usarse en las próximas elecciones. Beth Hendrix, de...
Weld County commissioners are headed back to the drawing board, after a county district court ruled that their voter district maps created after the 2020 Census violated state law and could not be used in any upcoming elections. Beth Hendrix, executive director of the League of Women Voters of...
Peter White Ethnic Media Services New York Times columnist David Leonhardt says gerrymandering is not the biggest threat facing American democracy. Activists who are fighting against a new Jim Crow and one-party politics in nine Southern states would beg to differ. Unfair election maps are bound to produce unfair...