Tres iniciativas electorales propuestas que afectan a estudiantes transgénero se encuentran ahora en la etapa de recolección de firmas en California. El grupo Protect Kids California dijo que planea combinarlos para tratar de incluir una gran medida en la boleta electoral el próximo otoño. Una propuesta impediría que las...
Three proposed ballot initiatives affecting transgender students are now in the signature-gathering stage in California. The group Protect Kids California said it is planning to combine them, to try to get one big measure on the ballot next fall. One proposal would prevent transgender girls from competing on girls’ sports...
Los partidarios de una iniciativa electoral propuesta para exigir una identificacion gubernamental para votar acaban de obtener la aprobacion estatal para comenzar a recolectar firmas. Un grupo llamado Reform California, dirigido por el locutor de radio conservador Carl DeMaio, patrocina la iniciativa, pero no respondio a las solicitudes de comentarios. Su...
Backers of a proposed ballot initiative to require government ID to vote have just gotten state approval to start gathering signatures. A group called Reform California, run by conservative radio host Carl DeMaio, is sponsoring the initiative but did not respond to requests for comment. Its website cites concerns about voter fraud....
Santa Clara County / CALIFORNIA Football fans, visitors, and residents are gearing up to celebrate the Super Bowl (SB50) in Santa Clara County. Whether eating at home, barbecues, parties, or restaurants, the Santa Clara County Department of Environmental Health encourages residents and visitors to use their food safety playbook when...