Roddy Scheer y Doug Moss EarthTalk De hecho, es difícil averiguar en qué alimentos vale la pena gastar más dinero en variedades orgánicas. Claro, puede comprar solo productos orgánicos en todas las categorías, pero terminaría gastando más del 20 por ciento más cada vez que compra. Y ciertos alimentos...
Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk It is indeed difficult to figure out which foods are worth spending more money on for organic varieties. Sure, you can just buy only organic in every category, but you’d end up spending upwards of 20 percent more every time you shopped. And...
NAPS Although childhood obesity rates have leveled off, obesity rates for teens have doubled in recent years—but you can protect them. Today, one in every five teens ages 12 to 19 is obese. Obesity in the early stages of life is more likely to follow into adulthood. But it...