Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk Jimmy Carter, el 39º Presidente de Estados Unidos, tuvo un impacto duradero en la política medioambiental. Sus enérgicas iniciativas para proteger los recursos naturales y fomentar las energías limpias sentaron las bases de la política medioambiental de las décadas posteriores. A pesar de...
Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk Jimmy Carter, the 39th U.S. President, made a lasting impact on environmental policy. His robust initiatives to protect natural resources and advance clean energy established the foundation for environmental policy in subsequent decades. Despite obstacles, his efforts in land preservation, energy efficiency and...
When a rare tornado swept through the north side of Minneapolis, Michelle Neal scrambled for cover at a fast-food restaurant. “It was unreal-we could have died,” she told Minnesota Public Radio. “McDonald’s saved me.” It’s the kind of scenario that Julia Nerbonne, executive director of Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light,...
Los grupos conservacionistas están haciendo circular una petición pidiendo a los federales que otorguen pases de “Estados Unidos, los Hermosos Parques Nacionales y Tierras Recreativas” a los nuevos ciudadanos en su ceremonia de naturalización. Los miembros del grupo Green Latinos se han reunido con varias agencias federales para presentar...
Conservation groups are circulating a petition asking the feds to give “America the Beautiful National Parks and Recreation Lands” passes to new citizens at their naturalization ceremony. Members of the group Green Latinos have met with multiple federal agencies to pitch the idea. Louis Medina, communications and philanthropy director with the...
Se espera que la Corte Suprema se pronuncie en cualquier momento sobre dos casos que podrían permitir a los jueces anular más fácilmente a las agencias federales, lo que podría tener grandes implicaciones para la protección del medio ambiente, los consumidores y la salud pública. Los dos casos apuntan a revocar...
The Supreme Court is expected to rule any day now on two cases that could allow judges to more easily overrule federal agencies, which could have big implications for environmental, consumer and public health protections. The two cases — Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless Inc. v. the Department of Commerce —...
Clean-air groups are calling the Biden administration’s new rules on vehicle pollution the single biggest action the Environmental Protection Agency has ever taken to fight climate change. The EPA’s new policy requires auto companies to reduce the pollution from cars starting in model year 2027. Laura Deehan, state director of Environment...
Unions, environmental groups and other progressive organizations are leading the charge to reform California’s referendum process, which allows voters to repeal laws passed by the legislature. Assembly Bill 421 came about after the oil industry gathered signatures to repeal a law blocking new drilling in neighborhoods. Assemblymember Isaac Bryan, D-Los Angeles, who...