EFE Miami – Los “extremadamente altos” niveles de contaminación en cuatro cruceros de la empresa Carnival pueden superar los de ciudades conocidas por su deteriorada calidad del aire como Pekín y Santiago de Chile, afirma una investigación encubierta divulgada por la Universidad Johns Hopkins. El estudio sobre “partículas ultrafinas”,...
EFE Beijing – China’s Chang’e 4 space probe on Thursday became the first to make a soft landing on the far side of the moon, state-run news agency Xinhua said. China’s National Space Administration said the lander-rover probe touched down at 10.26am Bejing time, it added. The official Global...
Alejandro R. Otero EFE Asuncion, Paraguay – Paraguayan health authorities used the Day of the Dead to raise awareness among those who gathered Friday in the nation’s cemeteries to honor their late loved ones, about how to maintain graves to prevent the proliferation of mosquitoes that spread diseases like...
EFE Mexico City – Mexico’s president-elect, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, said Tuesday that the transition to his government will be orderly and peaceful without anything to be afraid of, after meeting with current President Enrique Peña Nieto at the National Palace. “Throughout this period we must come to an...
EFE Rio de Janeiro – Less than half of Brazilians – 48 percent – believe their five-time world championship team will win the 2018 World Cup in Russia, which began last Thursday, a confidence level must lower than before the tourney in any other year. On the eve of...
EFE Está aquí el evento futbolístico más importante que podamos imaginar, el Mundial de Fútbol que en pocos días se celebra en Rusia. Rusia aspira a mostrar al resto del mundo el enorme esfuerzo y sacrificio que ha realizado estos últimos años para organizar el mejor mundial de fútbol...