Eric Tegethoff Public News Service A medida que el calendario llega a enero, las organizaciones solicitan donaciones durante el Mes Nacional del Donante de Sangre, una designación proclamada por primera vez en 1970. Diane Wright, directora ejecutiva regional de la Cruz Roja Estadounidense de Montana e Idaho, dijo que...
Eric Tegethoff Public News Service As the calendar turns to January, organizations are calling for donations during National Blood Donor Month, a designation first proclaimed in 1970. Diane Wright, regional executive director of the American Red Cross of Montana and Idaho, said January is an important time for donations. “January...
La sabiduría popular dice que en una elección tan reñida como la de esta semana, la participación es clave, y una nueva encuesta de un grupo de derechos de los latinos concluye que ambos partidos podrían haber fallado, en términos de alcance a su comunidad. El Fondo de Educación de NALEO...
Conventional wisdom said in a close election like this week’s midterms, turnout is key, and a new poll from a Latino rights group found both parties might have blown it, in terms of outreach to their community. The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials Education Fund polled Latinos across...
The California legislature is considering a bill – SB 911 by Sen. Steve Glazer (D-Contra Costa) – that would dedicate $25 million in state surplus funds to local and ethnic journalism. It would also stab the independent ethnic media sector in the heart. That’s why, despite the financial pressures...
SAN JOSE, CA—Over 7,000 toys will be distributed to 2,000+ needy children Sunday, Dec. 10th at 3:30 p.m. at the Cathedral of Faith. This is the 11th year for the Church’s toy ministry. “The Chevy Classic Car Club donated over 800 toys,” said Ken Foreman, Senior Pastor of the Cathedral...