Donal Trump

  • Earthtalk Q&A: trump using covid-19 to cover environmental issues?

    Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk Environmental advocates and others who care about clean air and water certainly seem to think the Trump administration has been taking advantage of the distractions of the Coronavirus pandemic and #BlackLivesMatter unrest to scale back environmental rules for the benefit of corporate interests...
  • Earthtalk Q&A: ¿Trump usa el COVID-19 para cubrir problemas ambientales?

    Roddy Scheer y Doug Moss EarthTalk Los defensores del medio ambiente y otros que se preocupan por el aire y el agua limpios ciertamente piensan que la administración Trump se ha aprovechado de las distracciones de la pandemia de Coronavirus y los disturbios de #BlackLivesMatter para reducir las normas...

    It was obvious to me during the Presidential Impeachment Trial that the term impeachment needed a more precise definition and clarification. When Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi initiated the impeachment process when she heard (as did I on the TV program covering this incident) President Trump say to...