dia de la tierra


    The global emergence of the coronavirus has become, in just a few months, the greatest challenge for humanity. But this great public health crisis of the new millennium also has the potential to become a watershed, a unique opportunity to rethink our individual and collective behaviors, the same as...

    La emergencia global del coronavirus se ha convertido en apenas unos meses en el mayor reto de la humanidad. Pero esta gran crisis de salud pública del nuevo milenio tiene también el potencial de convertirse en un parteaguas, en una oportunidad única para repensar nuestras conductas individuales y colectivas, lo mismo...
  • Earth Day 2016

    Suzanne Potter /California News Service SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The United States needs to make a major course correction on environmental issues according to Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, who spoke Tuesday to the National Geographic Society in Washington. The secretary decried the $12 billion maintenance backlog at national parks and...