Suzanne Potter California News Service Los datos estatales muestran que los informes de delitos de odio casi se duplicaron entre 2019 y 2023, por lo que la División de Derechos Civiles está promoviendo su nueva línea directa CA vs Hate. Desde su lanzamiento en mayo de 2023, la línea...
Suzanne Potter California News Service State data show that hate-crime reports almost doubled between 2019 and 2023 – so the Civil Rights Division is promoting its new CA vs Hate hotline. Since its launch in May 2023 – the hotline has received more than 1,000 reports of hate incidents – but...
Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services FRESNO, California — En California se denuncia un número cada vez mayor de delitos de odio, pero las condenas siguen siendo bajas, afirmó el Fiscal General de California, Rob Bonta. En declaraciones a Ethnic Media Services aquí al margen de la cumbre United Against...
Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services FRESNO, California — An increasing number of hate crimes are being reported in California, but convictions continue to remain low, said California Attorney General Rob Bonta. Speaking to Ethnic Media Services here on the sidelines of the United Against Hate summit at Fresno City...
Un nuevo informe muestra que, a pesar del gasto récord en la aplicación de la ley en California, la tasa de resolución – es decir, la tasa de delitos resueltos – fue la más baja de la historia. Los investigadores del Centro de Justicia Juvenil y Penal descubrieron, que...
A new report shows that despite record spending on law enforcement in California, the clearance rate – that is the rate of crimes solved – was the lowest ever. Researchers from the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice found that the state spent a record $27 billion on police in...
Peter Schurmann Ethnic Media Services Hate crimes in Los Angeles County surged in 2022, with attacks targeting a wide spectrum of racial and ethnic, religious, and sexual minorities. The increase is attributed in part to a rise in reporting locally, but also tracks wider state, national and even global...
At least 11,634 incidents of hate crimes were reported last year, the highest number in history, according to the most recent report from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The real figure, which includes those acts not reported due to fear or mistrust, is surely much higher. During a...
WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. — La Secretaria Interior Deb Haaland creó una nueva Unidad de Aplicación de la Ley para enfocarse en resolver los casos de Nativos Americanos desaparecidos, o asesinados. Bajo la Oficina de Servicios de Justicia de Asuntos Indios, la Unidad de Desaparecidos y Asesinados, coordinará departamentos y...