Arturo Hilario El Observador Los hermanos mexicano-estadounidenses y cineastas Diego y Julio Hallivis han escrito una comedia de terror personal pero escapista que hace eco de los horrores de la inmigración experimentados en los Estados Unidos en la vida real. La introducción de la película muestra imágenes reales...
Arturo Hilario El Observador Mexican-American Brothers and filmmakers Diego Hallivis and Julio Hallivis have written a personal but escapist horror-comedy that echoes real life immigration horrors experienced in the US. The introduction to the film shows real American news footage, along with the voice of former president Donald...
This year has unanimously been a focus on both the presidency of Donald J. Trump and women’s rights Arturo Hilario El Observador Here we are at the edge of 17… 2017 that is. Our community saw highs and lows, as did our extended human race. In the South of...