Un programa lanzado recientemente está diseñado para ayudar a los estudiantes con discapacidades de escuelas secundarias y colegios comunitarios de California a identificar sus intereses profesionales, desarrollar habilidades listas para trabajar y conseguir experiencias remuneradas con empleadores locales. Career Launchpad – de la organización de desarrollo laboral Institute for...
A recently launched program is designed to help California high school and community college students with disabilities identify their career interests, develop work-ready skills, and land paid experiences with local employers. Career Launchpad – from workforce development organization Institute for Workplace Skills and Innovation (IWSI America) and the California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) –...
Trabajar para sobrevivir es una realidad en el caso de gran parte de los californianos, especialmente aquellos que tienen a su cargo niños pequeños o padres ancianos. Y ante esa situación, es inevitable que en un momento determinado habrá que dejar de trabajar para cuidar a un familiar que...
Working to survive is a reality for most Californians, especially those of us supporting young children or aging parents. And with that, it’s unavoidable that at some point we’ll need time off work to care for a family member in need. Yet, as evidenced by the recent COVID-19 pandemic,...
El mercado laboral está cambiando rápidamente, gracias a las tecnologías nuevas y emergentes. Como resultado, la capacitación laboral se ha vuelto altamente especializada, incluso a nivel de escuela secundaria. Si bien los jóvenes que viven en comunidades urbanas y suburbanas a menudo se benefician del acceso en el lugar...
The decision to return to school is not made lightly. While earning a degree can be highly rewarding in the form of better career opportunities and higher pay, the path to get there can be filled with challenges, especially if you’re trying to fit school and studies in with...
The decision to return to school is not made lightly. While earning a degree can be highly rewarding in the form of better career opportunities and higher pay, the path to get there can be filled with challenges, especially if you’re trying to fit school and studies in with...
Hilbert Morales EL OBSERVADOR Many individuals receive an earned diploma at their high school, college or university. Graduation speeches mostly present descriptions of ‘what a bright future lies ahead of each and every graduate.’ What many need to consider is the impact of AI. automation and robotics which have...