Carbon footprint

  • EarthTalk Q&A: Aguacates y Huella de Carbono

    Roddy Scheer y Doug Moss EarthTalk En comparación con otras frutas y verduras que se cultivan más cerca de casa, comer aguacates, la mayoría de los cuales llegan desde América Central, puede ser un lastre para su huella de carbono. Además, requieren mucha agua, fertilizantes y pesticidas para crecer,...

    Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk Compared to other fruits and vegetables that are grown closer to home, eating avocados—most of which are flown in from Central America—can be a drag on your carbon footprint. Furthermore, they require a lot of water, fertilizers and pesticides to grow, further complicating...
  • Earth First!?

    Roddy Scheer and Doug Moss /EarthTalk Car bomb injuries, prison terms, and death were among the perils protestors with the Earth First! (EF!) movement faced throughout the 1990s. EF! formed in 1979, in response to what they called an increasingly corporate, compromising and ineffective environmental community. Throughout the 1980s and...