
  • Cancer Survivors Await Outcome of Cell-Phone Warnings Lawsuit 

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Cancer survivors are speaking out as they await the outcome of several lawsuits concerning radiation and cell phones. The suits challenge the Federal Communication Commission’s radiation guidelines, the radio-frequency or ‘RF’ levels from cell phones, and safety notices required by the City of Berkeley. Courtney Kelley, a young mother...

    Recently the Trump Administration curtailed the funding for Title X programs which provide for women’s reproductive health care service: pap smears, detection of sexually transmitted diseases, and family planning issues. Title 10 was first enacted during 1970 and has never been curtailed. It is not advisable for this nation...
  • Combating Cancer In Young Women Online

    NAPS Women from the ages of 18 to 50 are the most active group of adult Internet and social media users. And even though women in this age group are less likely to get breast cancer than older women, it does happen. Now, three southern states are making sure...
  • ¡Feliz Cumpleaños Cáncer!

    Mario Jiménez Castillo El Observador Aries Hay muchas novedades durante este verano, Marte tu planeta regente, estará retrógrado durante dos meses, esto no significa mala suerte pero es aconsejable que evites malos entendidos y confrontaciones con gente envidiosa y poco evolucionada. Vive el día a día con felicidad. Una...
  • Mes del Cáncer Colorrectal: hay un modo fácil de hacerse el examen

    Eric Tegethoff/Alfonso López-Collada Public News Service El cáncer colorrectal es la segunda causa de muertes por cáncer en el país, pero una tercera parte de las personas que deberían ser examinadas no lo ha sido. La gente puede usar un “kit” en casa, conocido como FIT, que representa un...
  • ¡Feliz Cumpleaños Cancer!

    Mario Jiménez Castillo El Observador Aries Nuevos aires y nuevas experiencias vienen a enriquecer tu sector laboral y social, todo mundo notará que luces radiante y siempre de buen humor, la verdad es que eres más feliz que antes y tu alegría la proyectas adonde quiera que vayas. Sigue...
  • Earthquakes to sign Cole Baker ahead of Seattle match

    Earthquakes/SAN JOSE The San Jose Earthquakes will welcome Cole Baker to the squad for the Sept. 10 match against Seattle Sounders FC, set to kick off at 7:30 p.m. Baker will serve as the honorary captain for the Quakes as they look to move up in the standings in...
  • Breast Cancer Fund for Women

    Breast Cancer Emergency Fund to Expand Outreach

    Priority is Raising Awareness Among Prospective Donors and Low-Income Women, Including Non-Native English Speakers SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF.— The Breast Cancer Emergency Fund (BCEF) announced on July 21st that it will expand its outreach in the South Bay Area to raise awareness about its services to prospective donors and low-income individuals...
  • Prevenir el cáncer

    Lisa C. Richardson, MD, MPH/NAPSM Como madre, esposa, doctora y directora de la División de Prevención y Control del Cáncer, de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC), se pueden imaginar que me mantengo bastante ocupada. Por lo que hasta para mí sería fácil caer...