Kristen Hwang CalMatters Perla López le entrega un montón de papeles a Baudeilio, un inmigrante indocumentado y jornalero de 44 años. Ella acaba de ayudarlo a solicitar Medi-Cal en el centro de beneficios de St. John’s Community Health en el sur de Los Ángeles. “Si ve algo del condado...
Kristen Hwang CalMatters Perla Lopez hands a stack of papers to Baudeilio, a 44-year-old undocumented immigrant and day laborer. She has just helped him apply for Medi-Cal at the benefits center at St. John’s Community Health’s in South Los Angeles. “If you see anything you don’t understand from the...
Cuando Christopher McGeever tenía 22 años, ya no podía acceder a los servicios educativos disponibles para él y necesitaba inscribirse en otro programa para adultos con discapacidades. Hay varios centros de cuidado diurno en la comunidad de San José donde vive. Pero cuando su madre, Laura, llamó para inscribirlo,...
When Christopher McGeever was 22, he aged out of the educational services available to him and needed to enroll in another program for adults with disabilities. There are several daytime caregiving facilities in the San Jose community where he lives. But when his mother, Laura, called to enroll him,...
With cold and flu season upon us, it’s time to protect yourself, not only from those seasonal threats, but also from other health risks. “During the holidays, our lives get very busy with family and friends,” said Dr. J.B. Sobel, chief medical officer for Cigna Healthcare’s Medicare business. “Before...
Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services The California Department of Aging Aug. 22 announced the launch of its first-ever statewide assessment for Californians aged 55 and older to share their voices, called the Community Assessment Survey for Older Adults (CASOA). The 20-question survey — which takes about 15 minutes to...
Los jóvenes adultos de California se enfrentan a importantes obstáculos para acceder a la educación superior, la vivienda asequible y la atención médica, según una organización sin fines de lucro que lucha por defender sus intereses. El grupo Young Invincibles acaba de publicar su agenda política para 2023, y...
California’s young adults face significant barriers to accessing higher education, affordable housing, and health care – according to a nonprofit that is fighting to advance their interests. The group Young Invincibles has just released its 2023 policy agenda, and top of the list is improving consumer protections around student debt....
En el tercer año de la pandemia de COVID-19, continúan los aumentos repentinos de casos en partes de los Estados Unidos. Muchos de estos casos pueden ocurrir cuando las personas contraen el virus en sus comunidades y lo llevan a sus casas, donde el virus puede propagarse a otros...