Hilbert Morales
The Midterm election year 2018 will be here very soon: June 2018. Latinos have 12 months to prepare for this transformational midterm primary election.
For the first time ever, three experienced Latinos will be campaigning to be elected as State Attorney General (Xavier Becerra); as Governor, State of California (Antonio R. Villaraigosa) and as the next U.S. Senator (Kevin de León).
Attorney General Becerra has taken President Trump to court regarding DACA, the withholding of federal funds for medical care services; and civic services (Sanctuary issues).
Villaraigoza has been in public service for many years as State Assembly member and Mayor of Los Angeles.
De Leon is current President Pro Tempore of the CA State Senate; he has decided to challenge incumbent Senator Diane Feinstein, who was first elected in 1992.
Google their names to learn about their public service accomplishments. The campaign rhetoric then will be filled with propaganda.
If these three Latino candidates are to be elected, California’s Hispanic/Latino electorate will have to step up their support levels to ensure that outcome.
First, Latinos will need to support these candidates with their political contributions (cash). Since Latinos make up 47% of California’s population this is very possible especially if a very high percentage of Latinos both contribute and vote. Modern communication technology makes that very possible. Recall that ‘unknown’ former President Obama who raised $107 million with $27 contributions.
Establishment’s political strategists have all presented their perspectives: None of these Latino candidates has a chance because of: a) not already having name recognition; b) not having sufficient campaign funding; c) not having the Democratic Party establishment’s backing; and white supremacist factors.
Here is an opportunity to be the force which changes things at high executive levels by exerting their will. They will need to provide grass-root support. The kind politicians, especially candidates, dream about. Latino communities will have several opportunities to visibly move public policy influence and power from those East Coast Yankees to Pacific Coast’s California economy all by themselves.
Why should the Latino community try to elect the next Attorney General; the next Governor and the next U.S. Senator who are all Latino? One reason is that these direct representatives have had similar personal experiences overcoming disadvantages during their life’s journey. Things have changed over time: That Yankee establishment is out of touch with those who do grunt work’; those who need jobs providing living wages; housing; medical services; education; clean water & air, etc. Like other ordinary American residents, Latinos just want an opportunity to earn a reliable income which permits
living in secure comfort. Too many elected officials have forgotten that it is We, The People who make this nation great!
The main reason Latinos need to see more direct representation which reflects their culture, morals, ethics and core values, is that the current establishment, both Republican conservatives and Democratic liberals, have not addressed issues which impact the general community. The reality is that the Latino Community’s issues are not any different than those of the general community. We all need direct representation to ensure programs and services reach those in need in all communities. Families and individuals all need the same access to civil rights, opportunity, and the pursuit of their lives, liberty and happiness. The ample natural resources of this nation must not end up being owned by that top 0.1% (the ultra-wealthy). And there are several other important issues:
The current law enforcement-justice system has flaws which are being exposed by the photos and videos recorded by smart phones now in community hands. Recently, Supervisor Cindy Chavez has been the champion of alternatives to posting bail. It is just not right to incarcerate an individual simply because he/she is not well-off enough to post a $500 bail bond. Judge LaDoris Cordell initiated alternatives to incarceration such as community service; rehabilitation & training. The legalistic interpretation of laws results in practices for which less costly alternatives exist. Many current practices need to be exposed by monitoring using citizens who have no conflict of interest. Justice under the law which is applied equitably is very important. Common sense options need to be identified and used as alternatives to what happens today.
Ultra-conservatives will never allow or practice Good Samaritan Stewardship which places the Medicare/MediCal services, Social Security Administration, Veteran’s Administration and Planned Parenthood programs beyond the reach of those who want these services managed by the private sector and their eligibility voucher plans. These services, in my observation, are not fairly distributed by a competitive, for-profit purveyor model. Market forces do not exist which would result in greater efficiency and lower prices. Current ACA insurance subsidies withheld by Trump demonstrate that reality. It is in the best interest of American nation to have a government which is responsible and accountable for the provision of services needed by those who are disadvantaged, handicapped, and impoverished. These cohorts need to be cared for through programs which are underwritten by a government ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people’.
It is very important for Latinos to have elected leaders from their community officially present at the conference table where public policy is made. It has been very helpful for the past several decades to have civil rights and voting rights, but that is not enough. Today, many negotiated deals happen without the consent of those being impacted. This type of decision making is simply wrong; is usually self- serving; and is not democratic in any way.
Voting rights cannot be allowed to be restricted by gerrymandering. A goal for America would be to have election district boundary lines drawn by commissions whose members have no conflict of interest’.
Recent events will have a long-term impact on America’s people. Three hurricanes have wreaked severe damage from Texas to Florida; Puerto Rico’s severely damaged infrastructures still do not deliver electricity nor drinking water; the Las Vegas massacre happened; and wild fires in California have reduced thousands of homes and businesses to ashes. These events have taken a human toll…FEMA’s
budget needs replenishing; homes need to be rebuilt; and public health services need to be re- established. Doing what needs to be done will add to the national deficit which already exceeds $US 22 Trillion. The Latino community needs to ask one question: Are undocumented residents being served along with everyone else?
Collectively, the impact of all these issues has served to distract from a basic issue: The leaders of America need to first deal with its people’s needs here at home. American people need leadership which continues to strive to develop a hopeful future for its people, especially its youth. To accomplish that will require re-establishment of the American Dream’.
If the Latino community wants the American Dream, then it must participate in a manner that makes them fully engaged, involved and committed as American citizens. Democratic achievements take a lot of thoughtful planning and execution of the work required. The Latino community is well advised to face all these issues. Only they can act in their own best interests.