Little Woman, Giant Talent

Photo Credit: Briana Renée

Mario Jiménez Castillo
Translation by Martha Graniello
El Observador

Recently, I had the wonderful opportunity to chat with Briana Renée, one of the stars of the popular reality show “Little Women LA”, that airs Tuesday nights on Lifetime cable channel. This reality show, which is in its sixth season, has become very popular, not only in the United States, but also in other countries, Latin America for example. A show filled with drama, conflicts and reconciliation. But most importantly, it creates awareness of the great discrimination that people of short stature sometimes endure. Situations that shouldn’t exist in the community of short/small people, which are called “little people” in English, and “personas pequeñitas” in Spanish. Discriminatory words and offensive names should be avoided and eliminated from our vocabulary.

Briana’s height is 3’8”, three feet, eight inches, and according to her, it has not been an impediment to accomplishing her dreams This beautiful little woman is doted with so many talents, she’s a singer, a dancer, a model, an actress, and to her fans surprise, she also speaks Spanish. Briana has thousands of fans in Latin America, Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Brazil, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Dominican Republic, she is a sensation, not just because of the show’s drama but she has stolen the hearts of thousands of fans with her daily struggles, her drive and her desire to succeed and get to the top of her career. She informed us that she’s writing a book where she talks about her personal life experiences, and, something really wonderful is about to happen, her first musical video will be launched sometime in August where she will be interpreting a song of her very own inspiration, a song that will also have a Spanish version. “I would love to do a tour in Latin America. I know about the love of my fans, I could feel it when we visited Mexico, where we filmed a couple of episodes from a previous season of the show, Briana told us”.

Briana is the mother of two beautiful children, Leiana and Maverick, her greatest wish is for discrimination to end, not only against little people but all type of discrimination, we are all human beings with talents, feelings and dreams we want to accomplish. She stated. She sends a warm hello to all the little people community and encourages them to fight for their goals like she’s doing, “nothing is impossible when you fight with love, perseverance and the desire to better yourself”. Briana Renée is a star that illuminates the hearts of many with its own bright light.

To know more about Briana, look her up on social media, Little Women: L.A. Briana Renée on Facebook and @BrianaLittleWomanLA.



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