Riad, Arabia Saudita – El Gobierno saudí expedirá por primera vez visas de turismo, en una medida que será aplicable a 49 países, y que forma parte de las reformas que llevan adelante las autoridades para modernizar el país. El presidente del Consejo de directores de la Comisión Saudí...
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – The Saudi Government will issue tourism visas for the first time, in a measure that will be applicable to 49 countries, and that is part of the reforms that are being carried out by the authorities to modernize the country. The chairman of the Board...
Suzanne Potter California News Service SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Criticism is coming in from worker’s-rights groups on the Trump administration’s announcement Monday July 17th that it will allow an additional 15,000 foreign workers to get visas. The Department of Homeland Security will grant the extra H-2B visas for guest workers...