Marvel Studios’ “Eternals” welcomes an exciting new team of Super Heroes to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The epic story, spanning thousands of years, features a group of immortal heroes forced out of the shadows to reunite against mankind’s oldest enemy, The Deviants. The outstanding ensemble cast includes Richard Madden...
Marvel Studios’ CAPTAIN MARVEL opens in U.S. theaters on March 8, 2019. CAPTAIN MARVEL MARVEL STUDIOS Website and Mobile site: www.marvel.com/captainmarvel Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/marvelstudios Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/marvelstudios Instagram: www.Instagram.com/marvelstudios Set in the 1990s, Marvel Studios’ “Captain Marvel” is an all-new adventure from a previously unseen...
Cinquest February 27 – March 11, 2018...
ON COURSE TO CURSED – When aspiring musician Miguel (voice of Anthony Gonzalez) ends up in the Land of the Dead in Disney•Pixar’s “Coco,” his family takes him to the Department of Family Reunions where a busy clerk (voice of Gabriel Iglesias) informs him that he’s cursed. To return...
When they say your time is up, it’s time to make your move. Watch the new trailer for Cars 3. Disney/Pixar’s Cars 3 opens in theatres in 3D June 16! Facebook: https://facebook.com/PixarCars Twitter: https://twitter.com/PixarCars Instagram: https://instagram.com/PixarCars Official Site: http://disney.com/Cars3 Blindsided by a new generation of blazing-fast racers, the legendary...