
  • Build Your Own Troll Farm

    Shelly Palmer  You live in a war zone. You cannot see the enemy, you do not know when you are under attack, and you have no way to determine who has won any given battle on any given day. Since the consequences of any specific attack are intangible on...
  • Samsung Galaxy S9 Review

    Shelly Palmer Let’s start at the end. If you’re looking for a new Android phone, go look at the Samsung Galaxy S9. It’s about as good as Android handsets get. If you’re an iPhone person thinking that Apple has let you down recently and you’re thinking of switching to...
  • Gun Sale Background Checks: Blockchain Can Help

    Shelly Palmer This past week, the NRA and advocates for gun safety and common sense gun laws found common ground: background checks. According to both sides, gun purchasers should be subjected to rigorous background checks. This is an excellent starting point for a constructive and productive dialogue. The majority...
  • America: Divided We Stand, Together We Fall

    Shelly Palmer On Wednesday, February 14, 2018, circa 2:30pm, a 19-year-old gunman shot 17 people to death and injured over a dozen others at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL. “Breaking News” coverage was ubiquitous, and when I awoke Thursday morning, smartphone video had found its way...
  • An Open Letter to Elon Musk

    Shelly Palmer Dear Mr. Musk, I had my official Fisher Space Pen in one hand and an open package of vanilla freeze-dried ice cream in the other as Neil Armstrong took “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” My whole family had gathered around the...
  • Fake News: A Case Study

    Shelly Palmer  Real fake news articles feature fabricated stories crafted to push a particular agenda. In most cases, the thesis of the article is supported by alternative facts (lies). But there are more subtle, more insidious types of fake news. Specifically, articles that might pass a cursory fact check,...
  • Facebook: The Ministry of Truth?

    Shelly Palmer  Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently wrote, “Today I’m sharing our second major update this year: to make sure the news you see, while less overall, is high quality. I’ve asked our product teams to make sure we prioritize news that is trustworthy, informative, and local. And we’re...
  • CES 2018: A Story of Innovation

    Shelly Palmer  What’s really new at CES® 2018? This year, CES will be a gathering of professionals from almost every industry. Together they will architect the technological evolution of human interaction and communication. CES has transcended its “consumer electronics show” initialism, and now it tells a story of innovation unlike...
  • The Case for Responsible Innovation

    Shelly Palmer We have questions: Can self-driving cars ever be safe? How dangerous is Alexa? Will artificial intelligence (AI) take my job? Do cryptocurrencies empower terrorists? Can a cardiac pacemaker be hacked? We have concerns: Fake news, fake ads, fake accounts, bots, foreign governments interfering with our elections …...