Arturo Hilario El Observador “Vida” is a Starz original show that centers on the lives of two Mexican American sisters named Emma and Lyn and their struggles with dealing with the fallout of their Mother’s death and coming together to take on an apartment complex and bar she left...
Santa Mónica, California – Starz, una compañía de Lionsgate (NYSE: LGF.A, LGF.B), anunció hoy que la segunda temporada de la pionera serie “Vida” se estrenará el jueves 23 de mayo de 2019. Los 10 episodios de media hora estarán disponibles en la aplicación STARZ y en STARZ On-Demand en...
Behind the Scenes of the East L.A. – Set TV Show with Melissa Barrera Arturo Hilario El Observador Melissa Barrera is a Mexican actress whose current project, “Vida”, is playing on the Starz network. The show sets up a family dilemma for two estranged sisters, Emma and Lyn, who...