Family Features La lectura es una base para el aprendizaje, sin embargo, existe una gran brecha en el acceso a los libros para los barrios de bajos ingresos. Según el Handbook of Literacy Research, en los barrios de bajos ingresos, la proporción de libros por niño es solo un...
Family Features Reading is a foundation for learning, yet a vast gap exists in access to books for low-income neighborhoods. According to the Handbook of Literacy Research, in low-income neighborhoods, the ratio of books per child is just one age-appropriate book for every 300 children. Without books in the...
La lectura juega un papel obvio en el rendimiento académico, pero también es una habilidad vital esencial. La alfabetización y la comunicación efectiva van de la mano e inspirar a un niño a abrazar la lectura y la escritura puede ayudar a abrir un mundo de oportunidades. Celebre la...
Reading plays an obvious role in academic performance, but it’s also an essential life skill. Literacy and effective communication go hand-in-hand and inspiring a child to embrace reading and writing can help open a world of opportunity. Celebrate the importance of literacy and help the children in your life...
NewsUSA For many parents, it’s a struggle to get kids to read outside of the classroom, but November is the perfect time to change that, because it’s National Family Literacy Month. The importance of reading goes well beyond acing a test or getting an “A” on a book report....