
  • Tras las redadas, el miedo paraliza a un pequeño pueblo del condado californiano de Tulare

    Peter Schurmann Ethnic Media Services POPLAR, Ca. – A principios de la década de 1970, los funcionarios del condado declararon que esta ciudad no incorporada o considerada parte del corazón agrícola de California “no tenía un futuro claro”. Esta designación, que implicaba recortes drásticos en los servicios básicos, se...
  • After Raids, Fear Paralyzes Tiny Town in California’s Tulare County

    Peter Schurmann Ethnic Media Services POPLAR, Ca. – In the early 1970s, this unincorporated town in California’s agricultural heartland was designated by county officials as having “no authentic future.” That designation—entailing dramatic cuts to basic services—remained until as recently as 2023. Now, following a series of raids on immigrants...
  • Immigration Raids: What to Know

    Supervisor Dave Cortese Rumors about immigration raids in our county have surfaced over the past few weeks. The rumors have spread across social media, but none were ever confirmed. Understandably, many are trying to inform their immigrant friends and colleagues in an effort to keep them safe. Unfortunately, without...