online education

  • Teacher of the Year Shares Distance-Learning Tips

    School closures and hybrid learning models have forced educators, parents and students to adapt to new forms of learning; the impact of this is not to be underestimated. Teachers and parents around the country have expressed concerns about the accessibility and quality of education under these conditions. Fortunately, new...
  • Maestro del año comparte consejos de aprendizaje a distancia

    Los cierres de escuelas y los modelos de aprendizaje híbrido han obligado a educadores, padres y estudiantes a adaptarse a nuevas formas de aprendizaje; el impacto de esto no debe subestimarse. Maestros y padres de todo el país han expresado su preocupación por la accesibilidad y la calidad de...

    For a sector of the United States population, the COVID-19 pandemic has represented a transformation in their working lives. The border between personal and professional life has been blurred, and in many areas of the economy, high-speed Internet connectivity has made it possible to maintain and even increase productivity...

    Para un sector de la población de Estados Unidos, la pandemia del COVID-19 ha representado una transformación de su vida laboral.  Se ha diluido la frontera entre la vida personal y profesional, y en muchas áreas de la economía la conectividad de alta velocidad de Internet ha hecho posible...