Cayla Mihalovich CalMatters Geynna Buffington sabía que tenía poco tiempo para quedarse embarazada una vez que salió de prisión a los 40 años. Durante más de un año intentó tener un bebé. No sabía que el embarazo sería poco probable debido a un procedimiento al que se había sometido...
Cayla Mihalovich CalMatters Geynna Buffington knew she had little time to become pregnant once she was released from prison at age 40. For over a year, she tried to have a baby. She didn’t know pregnancy would be unlikely because of a procedure she had nearly a decade earlier....
Ivanhoe Newswire/Child Trends PHILADELPHIA, Pa.— There’s been plenty of evidence suggesting that parents should limit their child’s cellphone use. But now, researchers say there are times when mom and dad need to shut off their own phones, too! A new study by child psychologists at Temple University suggests that...