While homeownership remains a challenge for people of color in California, a new report argues the state’s landmark law limiting property tax increases keeps those who do achieve it from equally reaping the benefits. Under Proposition 13, a report released recently say white homeowners get annual property tax breaks that are...
Los trabajadores del Censo completaron el 96% de la operación “Actualizar y Dejar” para el Censo del 2020, en la cual se entregan invitaciones y cuestionarios impresos del Censo del 2020 a hogares en ciertas —y a menudo rurales— áreas en todo el país. En estas áreas, la mayoría...
Census workers have completed 96% of the 2020 Census “Update Leave” operation- where 2020 Census invitations and paper questionnaires are delivered to households in certain — often rural — areas across the country. In these areas, most households generally do not receive mail at their homes, so census workers...