Aunque los trabajadores agrícolas y de producción de alimentos fueron considerados trabajadores esenciales durante la pandemia, muchos de los empleadores de alimentos de California pusieron en peligro a esos trabajadores, violando las pautas COVID-19 de Cal/OSHA con más frecuencia que la mayoría de las industrias, según un nuevo informe....
Although farm and food production workers were considered essential workers during the pandemic, many of California’s food employers endangered those workers, violating Cal/OSHA’s COVID-19 guidelines more often than most industries, a new report said. The California Institute for Rural Studies’ report said farm and food production employers routinely failed to provide...
NAPS With the unemployment rate trending downward these days, many successful companies are implementing employee-friendly benefits to attract and retain top talent. According to recent research by Kelly Services, today’s employees want to work where they can have greater control and ownership over the seamless integration of work and...
NAPS According to Global WorkplaceAnalytics.com, 80 to 90 percent of the U.S. workforce would like to telework at least part-time. With the number of telecommuters expected to reach 5 million this year, virtual workplaces aren’t the wave of the future, they are already here. The benefits to virtual employees...