For Tonya Muhammad, who runs Lil Critters Family Daycare in Hawthorne, spring of 2020 was, in a word, “horrible.” The early rush on cleaning supplies meant that she and her husband had to criss-cross Los Angeles to find disinfectant, sourcing bottles of Lysol from a dental supply company and...
Para Tonya Muhammad, que dirige la guardería familiar Lil Critters en Hawthorne, la primavera de 2020 la puede describir en una palabra: “horrible”. La prisa temprana por encontrar los suministros de limpieza significó que ella y su esposo tuvieron que atravesar Los Ángeles para encontrar desinfectante, obteniendo botellas de...
SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Los estudiantes mayores de 25 años, que representan un tercio de la población universitaria, tienen gastos de vida mucho más altos, tardan más en graduarse y acumulan más deudas, según un nuevo informe. Un nuevo estudio del Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality encuentra que los...
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Students over age 25 – who make up one-third of the college population – have much higher living expenses, take longer to graduate and rack up more debt, according to a new report. A new study from the Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality finds students at four-year colleges pay...
A medida que la información errónea continúa difundiéndose sobre las vacunas, los expertos médicos les recuerdan a los padres y al público en general que las vacunas salvan vidas. “La evidencia científica abrumadora muestra que las vacunas se encuentran entre las intervenciones más efectivas y seguras para prevenir enfermedades...
As misinformation continues to spread about vaccines, medical experts are reminding parents and the general public that vaccinations save lives. “Overwhelming scientific evidence shows that vaccines are among the most effective, safest interventions to prevent illness and protect public health,” says Dr. Patrice A. Harris, president of American Medical...
Report Claims 4Cs “Disadvantaged Some Families and Misused State Funds” SEIU San Jose, Calif. – California State Auditor Elaine M. Howle released a report on April 5, 2018, detailing questionable and unfair practices by the Community Child Care Council of Santa Clara County (4Cs). 4Cs is the largest non-profit agency that serves as...
Eric Tegethoff Public News Service Choosing the right childcare provider can be a daunting task for parents. Questions left unasked while picking the right facility can rear their heads down the road in unwanted ways. That’s why Susan Robertson, lead quality child-care consultant for IdahoSTARS in Idaho Falls, has...