Join working people nationwide to say NO to a rigged economy, and YES to workers’ rights!
WHEN: Monday, September 4 / 8 am – 12 pm
WHERE: SEIU Local 521
2302 Zanker Rd., San Jose, CA 95131
Say no to wage theft, demand respect for workers’ rights for a union without fear of retaliation, and ask Silicon Valley employers to provide good jobs with living wages. We will march in solidarity with the Fight For $15 movement, child care providers, immigrant families, and working families nationwide.
8 am: Breakfast
8:30 am: Join the “FightFor$15 and a union” protest at McDonald’s, followed by actions at Community Child Care Council (4Cs) and Dell who are retaliating against workers standing up for their rights for a union.
12 pm: Lunch and fun activities
(408) 678-3300