Series Will Offer The First Behind-The-Scenes Look At The Real Characters And Real Drama That Creates This Enormously Popular TV Genre. New York, NY WE tv announced on Wednesday...

Series Will Offer The First Behind-The-Scenes Look At The Real Characters And Real Drama That Creates This Enormously Popular TV Genre.

New York, NY

WE tv announced on Wednesday that it has ordered a new docu-series, “My Life is a Telenovela,” focused on the real characters who bring life to this enormously popular television genre. Set in Miami, and produced by Matador, the series will follow a group of beautiful and fierce Latina actresses and actors working in this hyper-competitive world, which has captivated hundreds of millions of viewers.

“WE tv is a network that was really built on diversity, bringing viewers personalities and programming it has historically been hard to find on the mainstream dial, and this show continues that commitment to new faces and voices,” said Marc Juris, WE tv president. “We are so excited to bring this world and the passionate men and women who make these incredibly popular soap operas to our viewers, and proud of a strategic partnership with Telemundo that will bring a high level of credibility and authenticity to our show.”

WE tv has ordered eight 60-minute episodes, which will premiere later this year. As the series begins, several of our characters are vying for the same role in a real life telenovela being produced by Telemundo, resulting in drama and fireworks on both sides of the camera.

The show features a variety of telenovela stars including Raquenel, Sissi Fleitas, Gustavo Pedraza, Enrique Sapene and Liliana Gonzalez.
