Students, researchers, community leaders and anyone who needs to find information published by the U.S. government can get help from a great online resource. You can access library catalog records on a wide range of topics including defense, citizenship, U.S. laws, health, science and more from the Government Publishing Office’s Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP).
That’s the major finding guide for locating publications produced by the federal government, both current and historic. There are also direct links to the documents—unless the publication exists only in print. People who need or prefer a print document can learn where to find the nearest federal depository library from the CGP.
The CGP even has a feature called MetaLib that lets you research and retrieve reports, articles and citations by searching across multiple U.S. federal government databases at once.
What’s more, there’s a collection of U.S. government eBooks from a variety of federal agencies, all free to access.
Further Information
You can make use of all these services and learn more online at
All sorts of government information can be at your fingertips.