
  • What are Latino voters worried about?

    Less than seven months before the November 5 elections, we hear again that Latinos could be decisive in the outcome. Of the six swing states that could define the presidential election in one way or another, Arizona and Nevada emerge as two key places where the Latino vote can,...
  • How some California voters tried to send Biden a message on Gaza ceasefire

    Sameea Kamal CalMatters Around the U.S., the effort to withhold votes from President Biden until he demands a permanent ceasefire in Gaza has made some noise. Following Michigan, in which 13% of Democrats voted “uncommitted,” 29% did so in Hawaii, 19% in Minnesota and 13% in North Carolina. In California, more than six in ten...
  • ¿Quiénes son los nuevos votantes étnicos de Estados Unidos?

    Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services A medida que Estados Unidos se vuelve más diverso, también lo hacen sus votantes. En una sesión informativa del viernes 9 de diciembre de Ethnic Media Services, expertos en votación, políticas públicas y ciencias políticas discutieron quiénes son estos nuevos votantes étnicos, qué los...
  • Who Are America’s New Ethnic Voters?

    Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services As the U.S. grows more diverse, so do its voters. At a Fri., December 9 Ethnic Media Services briefing, voting, public policy and political science experts discussed who these new ethnic voters are, what motivates them, and how their affiliations compare to their white...
  • ¿Qué quieren escuchar los jóvenes votantes latinos de los políticos?

    Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services Los jóvenes latinos — que se prevé que serán un bloque electoral importante en las elecciones presidenciales de 2024 — se están alejando de sus familiares mayores y girándose hacia la izquierda en una serie de temas, incluido el control de armas, los derechos...
  • What Do Young Latino Voters Want to Hear from Politicians?

    Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services  Latino youth — predicted to be a major voting bloc in the 2024 Presidential election — are veering from their older family members and shifting hard left on a host of issues, including gun control, reproductive rights, climate change, and immigration policy. A day...
  • ¿Es la vivienda un derecho humano? Los votantes de California podrían decidirlo

    Marisa Kendall CalMatters La vida, la libertad, la búsqueda de la felicidad y… ¿de la vivienda? Los legisladores de California están tratando de consagrar el derecho a la vivienda en la constitución del estado. Pero ¿qué significa eso exactamente en un estado que carece de los recursos para dar a todos...
  • Is housing a human right? California voters could decide

    Marisa Kendall CalMatters Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and…housing? California lawmakers are trying to enshrine the right to housing in the state’s constitution. But what exactly does that mean in a state that lacks the resources to give everyone a roof over their heads? Supporters say the constitutional amendment would...
  • Reproductive-Rights Supporters See Path to Victory: Letting Voters Decide

    When Kansas forcibly rejected an amendment this past August that would have removed the right to abortion from the state’s constitution, the country was stunned—and abortion-rights advocates were ecstatic, seeing in this victory a way forward to secure new and greater protections for abortion access and bodily autonomy by enshrining the...