
  • Digital Security: Massachusetts Bill Would Tighten Restrictions on Facial Recognition Technology

    Lawmakers in the Commonwealth are considering legislation to ensure police use of facial-recognition technology also protects people’s privacy and civil rights. Massachusetts was one of the first states to implement restrictions on the technology as part of a sweeping police reform law in 2020. A special legislative commission, which included police and civil...
  • Politicians Say, “Break Up Big Tech!” But What Would That Look Like?

      Techlash has been brewing for years. No one should be surprised that “Break up big tech!” is a major talking point for many 2020 presidential hopefuls. But how, exactly, would this be accomplished? And, what would the world look like in the aftermath? Let’s start with a few observable...
  • Summer Tech Tips for Parents

    The sun is out and the smell of fresh-cut grass and barbecue is in the air. That’s right – summer officially began June 21st! It’s a great time for families to reconnect, relax, travel and enjoy the sunshine. Below are some helpful tips on how you can use wireless...
  • Consejos tecnológicos de verano para padres

    Sale el sol y el olor a hierba recién cortada y barbacoa está en el aire. Así es, ¡el verano comenzó oficialmente el 21 de junio! Es un buen momento para que las familias se vuelvan a conectar, se relajen, viajen y disfruten del sol. A continuación, encontrará algunos...

    Shelly Palmer Mark Zuckerberg is founder and chief executive officer of Facebook, the world’s largest population. In reading his op-ed in the Washington Post, Mark Zuckerberg: The Internet needs new rules. Let’s start in these four areas, I was struck by its similarities to Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense, which for all...
  • Alternatives to Facebook

    Shelly Palmer  Facebook has been under relentless attack since the Cambridge Analytica scandal in early 2018. Broadcasters and news publishers have declared open season on Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg, and other senior executives at the company. And while not quite ubiquitous, #deletefacebook pops up every time there’s a story...
  • Can YouTube Ever Be Brand Safe?

    Shelly Palmer They say that if you ask the wrong question, you are guaranteed to get the wrong answer. Asked as, “Can YouTube ever be brand safe?” the answer is no. There is no possible way to make YouTube, or any environment that relies so heavily on user-generated content...
  • Governing a Digital Democracy: Unanswered Questions

    Shelly Palmer  I wrote an article back in April 2009 entitled Metamerica: Evolving The Governance Of A Digital Democracy. It begins, “Dateline New York: April 3, 2021” with breaking news about a massive, catastrophic data breach. Dateline New York: April 3, 2021 — The White House issued a statement today...
  • AI Won’t Take Your Job, People Will

    Shelly Palmer AI, specifically “augmented intelligence,” is going to have both an awesome and an unfortunate impact on our posterity. Let’s explore one possible way AI may impact the future of work, and how it may dramatically change how we train our workforce. The Graphic Arts Department (A Metaphor...