
  • Resultados de las elecciones de California: ¿Quién ganó? ¿Qué proposiciones pasaron?

    Después de gastar decenas de millones de dólares, miles de llamadas a la puerta y cientos de anuncios de ataque, la votación terminó el 8 de noviembre en California, y ahora se está conociendo el veredicto de los votantes. Entre las siete medidas electorales, los californianos dijeron que sí...
  • California election results: Who won? Which propositions passed?

    Voters cast their ballot at a polling station at the Sacramento County voter registration and elections office in Sacramento on Nov. 8, 2022. Photo by Rahul Lal, CalMatters After tens of millions of dollars in spending, thousands of door knocks and hundreds of attack ads, voting ended Nov. 8...
  • Primary Results Boost Environmental Justice in CA

    Suzanne Potter California News Service SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The election results are trending positively for environmental justice in California – with the likely defeat of Proposition 70 and the passage of Proposition 68. Prop 70 would have required a two-thirds majority for the State Legislature to appropriate funds for climate change-related projects....

    Hilbert Morales EL OBSERVADOR The California Statewide Direct Primary Election of June 5, 2018 happened yesterday as scheduled. It’s the “2018 Primary Election”. To really understand what is seriously impacts America’s Democratic governance, I suggest reading “DARK MONEY: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the...
  • Annual CAASPP results show steady performance for Santa Clara County students

    SCCOE working toward closing the achievement gap SAN JOSE, CA – Results from the third year of the student assessment system known as CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress) show that Santa Clara County students continue to outperform their state counterparts. The CAASPP assessments measure student progress from grades...
  • Franklin-McKinley School CAASPP Results

    State Test Scores Indicate District-Wide Academic Improvements SAN JOSE, CA. – The Franklin-McKinley School District’s California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) results were released August 24th by the California Department of Education and indicate gains District-wide. Franklin-McKinley School District students took the Smarter Balanced Assessment in English...