
  • Ese símbolo de reciclaje no siempre significa lo que crees

    Todas las mañanas, cuando el senador estatal Ben Allen tomaba el periódico del exterior de su casa en Santa Mónica, sacaba la funda de plástico con el símbolo triangular de reciclaje y lo tiraba donde pensaba que pertenecía: en un contenedor de reciclaje azul. Pero Allen pronto se enteró...
  • That recycling symbol doesn’t always mean what you think it does

    Every morning, when state Sen. Ben Allen would grab the newspaper from outside his Santa Monica home, he’d pull off the plastic sleeve bearing the triangular recycling symbol and throw it where he thought it belonged: in a blue recycling bin. But Allen soon learned that he was “wishcycling”—...
  • EarthTalk Q&A: Is recycling still worthwile in the USA?

    Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk The short answer is yes, it’s still worthwhile for us to recycle, even if it’s not as easy and more expensive than it used to be—especially when you consider the costly and environmentally dubious alternative of creating new products out of all-virgin materials....
  • Principios básicos del reciclaje: sepa qué tirar

    Cuando se trata de reciclar, ¿sabes qué tirar? Un envase plástico de leche es reciclable, pero un juguete de plástico no lo es. La caja de cartón de tu último pedido por línea puede ir en tu contenedor de reciclaje, pero una caja de pizza grasienta no debería. Latas...
  • Recycling 101: What to know before you throw

    When it comes to recycling, do you know what to throw? A plastic milk jug is recyclable, but an old plastic toy isn’t. The cardboard box from your latest online order can go in your recycling container, but a greasy pizza box shouldn’t. Aluminum cans, yes; aluminum foil, no....
  • Research Reveals Recycling Is Increasingly Popular

    NAPS Here, for a change, is good news about the environment: Americans are recycling their food and beverage cartons more than ever and continue to look to brands to actively help drive the recycling of their products’ packages, according to a new survey. What The People Want The national...